Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gangstaliscious Terry on E. Franklin

I dragged Terry back to E. Franklin Street, because after shooting Ron a few days ago I spotted an alley I wanted to explore. I used the SB-800 shot through an umbrella, and CLS to trigger the set up. Stef was my adjustable human lightstand.  The camera was mounted on a tripod, as I shot at 1/20sec to record the background, aperture f/2.8, and exposure compensation pushed up to +5. I did this in order to keep ISO at 200. We also shot a few the next evening in this amphitheater made of cut stone... Serene! On both occasions I used Dre's Sigma 24 - 70mm  and 70 - 200mm lenses interchangeably. All in all we had fun, and something gives me the impression Terry really like the shots, maybe it was that she LITTERED Facebook with them :D.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jammin' with E. Franklin's Ron

Franklin Street, a dying breed of quintessential small town main streets. The businesses dating back to the early 1900s, with redbricks that aren't facades... Now with the emergence of chain business such as Starbucks and Walgreens, the threat is more imminent, of this rustic town blossoming into a center for Suits. Ron represents East Franklin St., easy going, laid back... care free. He is a professional, licensed 'pan handler', collecting small change for hours entertainment. I stayed with Ron and his pals for at least an hour, as he serenaded the passers-by, and occasionally puffing a cigarette.

I snapped a few rounds, with one SB-800 speedlight set up to the left, using my Nikon D300 and CLS, and toggled between a Sigma 70 - 200mm f/2.8 and a Sigma 24 - 700mm f/2.8 then packed up and bade him goodbye. As I walked down the streets the wind picked up a bit, it was chilly. I pulled the zipper up on my sweater to my neck. I could still hear Ron in the background, strumming his guitar, singing his lullaby to East Franklin Street...

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Love For All Seasons, Pt I

From this day forward, let us laugh together, and plan together,
let us find our favorite places, and go together...
Let us enjoy the sunshine, and the rain,
being alone together, and in crowds together...
From this day forward, together,
Let us love!
Let Us Walk Together
- Unknown

I shared a Sunday afternoon with Theo & Mel in DC.  The weather was great and they were a playful couple, and totally in love with each other. I wish them the very best as they plan the biggest adventure of their lives. This for me was definitely part 1 of a 3 part shoot. Lots more to come... keep watching!

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Monday, October 19, 2009

The Evening Mail...

This evening the car battery died because I left the light and heater on pretty much all day. It was 3˚C this morning, and there was a thin layer of ice covering almost everything. Anyway I got a jump start, but was afraid to turn the car off until I was sure the battery regained some 'juice'. So I picked up Stef and we went out to the country. The Sun was setting and the Fall colors were rich. We drove for a while, stopping a few times to shoot a few rounds and I found this mailbox in the middle of nowhere. I used DrĂ©'s brand new Sigma 24 - 70mm f/2.8, coupled with a Circular Polarizer, and a ND Filter. Photoshop CS3 was used for the effects. I thought it was an interesting deviation from normal photography.
Ok so I did put one in. Shot with the same lens on my D300, I used my SB-800 speedlight off camera, rear curtain, triggered by CLS to light the mailbox.

Tech info - ISO 200; Aperture F/14; Shutter 1/50sec

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