Saturday, October 6, 2007

March Of The Mushrooms...

Saturday morning, April 15, 2006, Stefi and I set out through the hills of St. Andrew to the St. Mary border. We got to Castleton Gardens when the sun was already established in the sky and we began to feel its wrath. The morning dew had long dried from the underbrush and I had no artificial replacement (a spray bottle with water, very effective).

I took a few rounds of the same-o flowers until Stefi spotted a log, partly hidden by bush in the distance. It was covered with mushrooms, and very intriguing. I coupled a x2 and x4 close-up filters on the 55 - 200mm lens for these shots, and place the camera on a tripod to keep the focus steady.

March Of the Mushrooms I

March Of the Mushrooms II

I have been back to Castleton gradens a few times since, but just not lucky to see the mushrooms in bloom again... Probably that was their last march.

Tech info: Nikon D50, Nikon 55-200mm lens @ 55mm, -0.7 Exposure Bias, ISO200, shutter 1/1000, f/5.6, shot RAW. Colour, exposure and contrast adjusted one stop each in Apple's Aperture.


Unknown said...

Really nice work Bro, U tha MAN! Nuff said!

Unknown said...

Really nice work Bro, U tha MAN! Nuff said!