Monday, October 1, 2007

Fallen Art Thou, O Mighty Dragon!

Dragonfly (Anisoptera), an insect of the Odonata Order. It sat on the mesh outside my office window, its wings vibrating intermittently. Its body pointed upward so I had to stand on a chair to capture this image from above. I got in real close, and still used the macro setting on the lens. I now know why it didn't fly away with me getting so close... it was dying. Later I saw it on the floor in the hall, and the cleaners threw it in the trash.

Tech info: Nikon D200 D-SLR, Nikon 24 - 85mm (f/2.8 - 4) lens @85mm (in Macro), f/5.6, +1 exposure bias, shutter 1/60, ISO400. Shot RAW and used Apple's Aperture 1.5 to up the contrast a bit.


crhule said...

A very good introduction to what i know will be an inspiring blog. Keep shooting images that create that kind a 'BUZZZ'

Anonymous said...

Nice photo Sal... The depth field works, the colour depth works well too (really vibrant). I would have liked to see some horizontal version. IMO... This would really show-off the real uniqueness of the insect (its wings)....

Let's see more....


Anonymous said...

this is Maloryj

Boy oooh boyee. What a show off dragon fly. The skills of my big son in all it's GLORY

Unknown said...

First Anonymous, thanks for your comment, and yes the horizontals would have been nice. However because of the short depth of field of the macro lens I use to get up so close , I am pretty sure the wings would be totally out of focus hence defeating the purpose. Or I could have the span of the wings in focus and the head of the dragon out of focus. in this case i opted for the head in focus...