Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Am trying decide on a Signature / Logo for watermarking my photos. Not sure if am happy with the current one. See a short list below and choose. I await you comments... Thanks.


Unknown said...

I like the third and fourth... however the 'f' in the fourth one reads like a 'T'. The first two seem too busy and the last one just um... iono... mi naaah feel it..

Tee said...

My favs are 2 and 4- but I like 4 more because it's simple- not too curvy- and when I look it and I can immediately decipher what it says.

Anonymous said...

The first looks really busy...still love #2 (that's the current one, right?). I guess #3 is ok too

LWJ said...

Last one for me. I like it as it makes a statement on it's own without the word the need of the word images. Kinda like the Picasso of photography...

Anonymous said...

Last one, First one, I like the style of text but you need the copyright on the end of the last one, and the 'f' should be straighter like the rest of the words as it seems out of place. Cheers Jan

Unknown said...

Thanks all. After an overwhelming response mostly via emails and MSN, the current logo remains, which would be #2 on the list